Heritage Science and Society

Programme About

Despite the many challenges posed by the pandemic, the Heritage, Science and Society programme made critical progress in their research work in 2020-21. Studies were undertaken on the material culture of the Nilgiris and ancient Nilgiri metallurgy, the documentation and dating of a rock-cut temple and verification of a megalithic site in Kumaon Himalayas. Geospatial analysis for cultural heritage studies and on hydrological analysis in Badami to understand how natural resources were used for conserving water in historical times were conducted. A study on understanding pottery traditions through experiments was also undertaken.

Programme Head
Sharada Srinivasan
Professor and Head
School: School of Humanities
Programme: Heritage Science and Society
Room no: S 15
Tel: 080-22185125 Fax: 080-2218 5028
sharasri@gmail.com, sharadasrini@nias.res.in
Anna George
Doctoral Student
Post-Doctoral Associate
Benoy K Behl
Ekta Gupta
Doctoral Student
PhD Scholar, Research Associate, Assistant
Harikrishnan N
Doctoral Student
Kuili Suganya
Doctoral Student
Associate Professor
+91 80 22185000
PhD Scholar, Research Associate, Assistant
Prabhakar Sangurmath
Adjunct Faculty
Preeth Khona
Doctoral Student
Honorary Visiting Professor
Post-Doctoral Associate
Tel: 080-22185125 Fax: 080-2218 5028
sharasri@gmail.com, sharadasrini@nias.res.in
Smriti Haricharan
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
PhD Scholar, Research Associate, Assistant
PhD Scholar, Research Associate, Assistant
Viraj Kumar
Adjunct Faculty

The metal composition of prized Chola bronzes including the Nataraja bronzes was studied, and the legacy of bronze casting in Tanjavur district comprehensively documented. Skilled metallurgical traditions were pointed to – ranging from specialised high-tin beta bronze vessels going back to megalithic periods, wootz steel production, gold mining evidence from the Tamil region and evidence for zinc extraction. A multi-institutional initiative “Digital Hampi” was coordinated, with its aim to document analysis of the heritage of Hampi using state-of-the-art technology. On metal crafts of the Cauvery region, on craft technology and sustainability in making icons, bells, lamps in the cultural heartland of Thanjavur district, in Tamil Nadu and lesser known practices in Kolar district in Karnataka, have been documented.

Cultural Landscape Research

Cultural landscapes are explored using geospatial data to identify unrecorded and undocumented features of built heritage, and the results of such analysis are used for preserving built heritage in the face of rapid urbanization and development. The research areas include: exploring sea charts and coastal maps made in colonial period to study cultural heritage and geomorphology along the Indian coast; identifying archaeological mounds in large Buddhist sites in Ganga valley like Nalanda, Bodhgaya and Vikramasila using stereoscopic satellite images, photogrammetric techniques, and carbon dating (using AMS techniques) bricks collected from unprotected mounds; historical water systems in the extended landscape of Malaprabha River Valley; characterising and managing built heritage sites; orientation of sacred structures of a few Buddhist sites and their astronomical association; and analysing spatial transformations in the city of Agra in the last 300 years. In addition, using remote sensing, GIS and ground surveys, resulted in the first quantitative assessment of the Nalanda’s site’s extent, but also identified structures of archaeological significance that lie outside protected zones. This could form a model for tackling the thorny issues of identification of the area to be protected.

Megaliths and Early Monumental Architecture

Various aspects of the Iron Age-Early Historic landscape of south India are being explored. An intensive survey of megalithic or Iron Age-Early Historic (IA-EH) burials at an archaeological site outside Chennai was carried out. The link between prehistoric monuments and later architecture has been studied. Through extensive field-based studies at a number of megalithic sites, the influence of megaliths on later structures like stupas and dolmens have been traced. Four new megalithic sites as well as a prehistoric rock-art site have been discovered and reported. The knowledge systems of megalith-builders constitute another aspect of study within this area.

Early Temple Architecture

A study of the earliest temples in stone, in southern India – under the Badami Chalukyas and the Pallavas, has been initiated, wherein early temple forms and their evolution in later periods have been studied. A method to diagnose antiquity of stone-craft based on an analysis of wedge marks on split stone has been developed. Specific areas where temples have been studied are – the Malaprabha Valley, the dominions of Rashtrakuta, Kalyani Chalukya and Hoysala rule, the temples of Kalinga and the Himalaya. A study of the life and work of early artisans is underway.

Early Fusion Music

An investigation on “Cross-cultural musical exchanges in colonial India from the late 18th to the early 20th century” has been undertaken. This project has three distinct components: examining instances of cross-cultural musicological exchanges during the said period in South India; in Bengal; and to examine the phylogeny of tunes through computational analysis of acoustic signals.

Experimental Archeology

A recently begun project focuses on pottery production and its relationship to archaeology and craft specialization.

Blue-Green Infrastructure Across Asian Countries
Sharada Srinivasan
Sharada Srinivasan
Smriti Haricharan
Past Events
Remote Sensing and Geographic Systems Lab A week-long on-campus Workshop on 3D Landscapes
Workshop on 3D Landscapes
Remote Sensing and Geographic Systems Lab
NIAS Wednesday Discussion
Experimenting with Copper: An Archaeological Approach
Diya Mukherjee, Project Associate, School of Humanities, NIAS
NIAS Heritage, Science and Society Programme
Lecture Hall, 1600 hrs
08 December 2021
Novel drug delivery systems for herbal isolates
Prof. Mullaicharam Bhupathyraaj
NIAS Heritage, Science and Society Programme
Google meet
May 7, 2021
Human-Animal Interactions during the Harappan Period at Kanmer
Pankaj Goyal
NIAS Heritage, Science and Society Programme
Google Meet
April 23, 2021

Prof. Sharada Srinivasan delivered twenty lectures/webinars on topics ranging from the archaeology of metals to sculpture in India and Goddess-worship and dance in prehistory.

Dr. Srikumar M. Menon participated in a conference on human-elephant relationships with Prof. Anindya Sinha and also delivered six other talks on topics like megaliths, Buddhist art etc. He published sic popular articles on Heritage in Deccan Herald Spectrum.

Dr. S. Udayakumar presented four online talks on craft heritage etc. and also conducted a pottery workshop.

Dr. Rajani M B. delivered five talks at various forums on topics like GIS in Heritage, and the Buddhist site at Nalanda etc. Dr. Smriti Haricharan delivered a lecture at a webinar on Iron Age in South Asia. She also organized several online lecture series with the help of Dr. S. Udayakumar, on different aspects of archaeology and heritage.