Breathe in Life, Breathe out Music

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Nature of the Event
NIAS CSP Friday Online Lectures
Nitin Donde
Organised by
Event date
23 October 2020
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From the first breath we inhale at birth (Prāṇa) to the last breath we exhale at death (Dhwani) – this is our life-span. The experimental film I am sharing is about this beauty of life. The film is inspired by the Taittiriya Upanishad. Every breath we inhale gives us life (Prāṇa). When we exhale we have a choice: to be silent or to make a sound (Dhwani). If the sound we make is artistic, aesthetic, musical... it is beautiful. The present moment is transitory. To be aware of it and to live the moment consciously helps reveal the beauty in the transitory. I have tried to capture this transitory beauty in nature. I am showing you a few images from my book “Water is bliss” inspired by the hymns on water from the Rig Veda. While you enjoy this visual delight, I will read a few of my short poems, "From the first cry to the last sigh!".

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