Emotions and Morality: Reflections on the moral worth of emotions

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Nature of the Event
NIAS CSP Friday Lectures
Prof Dipika Bhatia
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi
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Event date
8 January 2021
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Reflections on the phenomena of emotions have been one of the most contested concerns in the field of philosophical inquiry. The basic nature of emotions has often been construed as an impediment to our rational thinking process. But an examination from a moral point of view (with specific reference to the normative ‘ought’) seeks to bring out an inherent controversial account regarding the role of emotions in morality. In the midst of some problematic claims regarding the possible connection between emotions and morality, in this talk, I shall demonstrate the significance of emotions in the moral domain. To this end, I wish to take up some of the important considerations relevant to the question of the moral worth of emotions – that is, interrelatedness of emotions with moral motivation and moral judgement that would highlight that emotions do have an important role to play in the moral domain.

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