Food Wisdom in Rituals, Culture & Traditions

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Nature of the Event
NIAS CSP Friday Online Lectures
Manjusha Pisharody
Organised by
Event date
16 October 2020
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Every tradition and ritual has a story to tell, that of Nature, religious beliefs, outside influences, or social customs. How we evolved as social human beings over time shaped our traditions, which evolved and transformed into the way they are now. Artistic expressions through skills and rituals play a very important role in shaping a region's culture. These expressions include craftsmanship, social practices, festivals, art, oral heritage, and most importantly, culinary art. Food customs have stayed on and become an integral part of our life, marking the change of seasons, important events like harvest or changes in lunar and solar calendars. Unlike other forms of art, every household has culinary artists and these food traditions specific to each household have been passed on over generations.

Food is not only about nutrition and wellness but also about variety, worship, medicine, and rituals. Our ancestors designed our rituals and festivals in a way that deepened, enriched, and gave meaning to our relationship with food. Recipes and dietary practices that are part of religious ceremonies helped preserve and make it fun to comprehend and follow. The processes involved in gathering and preparing certain foods is of great social and cultural significance and strengthened bonds.

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