Innovative Entrepreneurship: A Saga of Gratitude

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Nature of the Event
NIAS CSP Friday Online Lectures
Lakshmi Menon
Member, National Innovation Foundation Governing Council
Organised by
Event date
31 July 2020
Other details

Pureliving is all about being part of the solution and not part of the problem. We try to achieve it with the conviction that even if you cannot do great things you can still do small things in a great way. And in the process sometimes you win, sometimes you learn, but you never fail.

In, we specialise in products Upcycled recycled and Economised through Projects for the Urban, Rural and Egalitarian. Dedicated to finding sustainable livelihood solutions and also to propagate awareness in society. Engaging and thus empowering the underprivileged is woven into the DNA of the organisation. This lecture will focus on innovation, design thinking, social entrepreneurship and gratitude, and the accountability with which, as ecopreneurs, we give back to society.

Event Programme