"Somewhere between ‘Archaic’ and ‘Modern’: Discussing Recent Advancements in Human Origins"

Discussion Poster
Nature of the Event
NIAS-CSP Friday Online Lecture
Gopesh Jha
Student of Archaeological Materials Science at the University of Evora, Portugal
Organised by
Event date
26 February 2021
Other details

The last two decades of research in Human origins have shown how little
we know about the deep past of our own evolution. It has challenged the pre-existing
models of human evolution which are over-simplified and mostly articulated in a
straight linear pattern. Recent discoveries of fossils of new members of our tribe (i.e.,
Hominin) and genetic data have forced us to rethink the whole construct of the
human phylogeny. Many of the hominin species were co-existing and probably
co-evolving within close geographical proximities. Several research projects focused
on ancient genomics have highlighted the several events of introgression occurring
between multiple species at different temporal junctions. There are several
populations occupying different parts of the old world, producing a diverse number
of cultural prints manifested in form of art, symbolic behaviour, stone tools etc. It is
crucial that we step back and rethink our idea or perception of human origins. The
current talk will discuss and explore the subject of Modern Human origins and
expansion in the light of recent advancements.

Event Programme