A Status Report on the Rare Earth (RE) Ecosystem in India

Funding Agency: IREL (India) Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) 

Duration: 9 months 

Project Description: The focus of the report will be on a RE Policy Framework for the Government of India to act on. A critical review of the current global RE industry will form the first section of the report. The second part will take stock of the status of RE developments in India. It will identify the prospects and problems for the development of a viable RE industry in the country. The third part will link Indian capabilities to the global scene and identify a set of options with a ranking scheme that has both supply (technology) side as well as demand (product/ market) side dimensions. The final section of the report will link the different strands into an integrated picture of the various options for consideration of decision and policy makers at the Government of India level. The aim of the report will be to provide a comprehensive assessment of commercial as well as strategic RE value chains. The focus will be on attaining self-sufficiency and meeting domestic needs through all available means that includes both indigenous development as well as technology transfer. The report will only address the downstream part of the RE value chains. In view of the importance of “Green Energy” as well as the initiatives already taken pertaining to Permanent Magnets in India, the report will lay special emphasis on these value chains.