Schooling, Identity and Culture: Current Research and Debates

Course Objectives: 

  • To introduce the concepts and developments in relation to identity and culture 

  • To explore the process of formation of social, psychological and gender identities among adolescents 

  • To understand the inter-relation of formal education, identity, culture. 

  • To analyze the role of schooling on identity formation among marginalized groups 

  • To explore the role of the hidden curriculum in developing identity of adolescent children in school 


Course Outline: 

The course will explore current research work in relation to identity formation among adolescents from a sociological and psychological perspective. Theoretical frameworks used to study identity among adolescents will be critically evaluated to formulate a robust framework to study adolescents' identity.

The role of family, community, and school in fostering identities among adolescents will be examined to understand the children's experiences as they negotiate their own identities. In the process, the course will explore the analytical tools used to study student identity among marginalized communities. 


Select References: 

Baysu, Gulseli, Karen Phalet and Rupert Brown. (2011). Dual Identity as a Two-Edged Sword: Identity Threat and Minority School Performance. Social Psychology Quarterly. American Sociological Association. 

Gracia, Gina A. (2017). Defined by Outcomes or Culture? Constructing an Organizational Identity for Hispanic Serving Institutions. American Educational Research Journal. American Educational Research Journal. 

Lall, Marie. (2021). Ethnic education: Language and local curriculum issues. Myanmar’s Education Reforms: A pathway to social justice. UCL Press. 

Langer-Osuna, Jennifer M. and Na’ilah Suad Nasir. (2016). Rehumanizing the “Other”: Race, Culture, and Identity in Education Research. Review of Research in Education. American Educational Researh Association. 

Levitan, Joseph and Davin Carr-Chellman. (2018). Learning, Selfhood, and Pragmatic Identity Theory. The Journal of Educational Thought. Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 

Nagel, Joane. (1994). Constructing Ethnicity: Creating and Recreating Ethnic Identity and Culture. Social Problems. Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for the study of Social Problems. 

Rogers, Leoandra Onnie, Marc A. Scott and Niobe Way. (2015). Racial and Gender Identity Among Black Adolescent Males: An Intersectionality Perspective. Child Development. Wiley on behalf of the Society for Research in Child Development. 

Vaghela, Preeti and Koji Ueno. (2017). Racial-ethnic Identity Pairings and Mental Health of Second-generation Asian Adolescents. Sociological Perspectives. Sage Publications, Inc. 

Verhoeven, Monique, Astrid M. G. Poorthuis and Monique Volman. (2018).The Role of School in Adolescents’ Identity Development. A literature Review. Educational Psychology Review. 

Course Instructors
Anitha Kurup (
School of Social Sciences
Course Credits
Two (2)
Course Schedule
2 contact hours/week
Programme Name