NIAS - Summer & Winter Workshops

Most of the workshops are residential as it gives scope for the students to engage with the mentors and peers. The residential workshop also provides an opportunity for the students to engage in an activity for a longer duration, and it facilitates a formal and informal environment for learning. The workshops are organised for all students selected in various programmes and are conceived and coordinated by the NIAS-EGT team. The workshops organised under the Advanced Learning Centres (ALC’s), NIAS-MAIYA PRODIGY Fellowship Programme, and the NIAS-Gifted Education pool aim to provide a platform to students to engage in areas or topics beyond the regular school curriculum. 

These workshops are intended to provide a challenging and enriching environment for the children to cultivate and develop their creative and critical thinking skills. The workshops also include sessions for the child’s overall personality development and are not limited to the children’s cognitive skill development. The workshops conduct special sessions to address the socio-emotional needs of gifted and talented children. 

In addition, the workshops create spaces for students to meet and interact with established scholars and researchers in different fields. They learn the skills to work independently as well as in groups. The workshops incorporate diverse topics and activities that enable each participant to choose an area of interest and connect to the mentors in their respective fields. The workshops give a platform for the students to work collaboratively with other students and develop team-building skills. They present their working projects to their peers and seniors to gain relevant feedback.  

Following are some important workshops that NIAS-EGT organized: 

  1. Second Summer workshop for children of Gifted Pool 

National Institute of Advanced studies organized a second summer workshop which was held for three days from 11th to 13th of May 2016. The work shop held for the children who were enrolled for the NIAS- Education for the Gifted & Talented Programme. Thirty-five children and their parents actively participated in the workshop. 

2. Summer Workshop in Collaboration with Agastya International Foundation 

NIAS Gifted Education Programme organized its 5th Summer workshop, “EXPLORING EXCELLENCE WITH NATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART,” in collaboration with Agastya International Foundation from 9th to 11th of May 2017. The workshop was held on the Agastya campus, Kuppam. 

3. One-week Robotics workshop at NIAS 

In May 2017, NIAS organised a weeklong robotics workshop for the children identified in the EGT pool. The workshop was attended by four children who had shown keen interest in robotics. 

4. One-day Advanced Learning Workshop at NIAS 

On 26th January 2018, NIAS conducted a one-day advanced learning workshop for the students from the ALCs. The workshop comprised of presentations in the fields of immunology and 3D designing. 

5. Two Day Residential workshop for the children of NIAS supported ALCs 

In May 2018, the National Institute of Advanced Studies organized a Two-Day Residential Workshop for the students in the NIAS Supported Advanced Learning Centres 

6. Three Day Screening Workshop for children from disadvantaged urban sections at ALC, Vidyashilp 

To broaden its horizon, the NIAS- EGT Team has reached out to Parikrma Centre for Learning with the hopes of diversifying the group of students enrolled. Based on their performance in the written test, the students were selected for a three-day workshop. The workshop is a part of the screening process, which enables the child and the facilitator to engage in an active learning environment. 


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NIAS - Summer & Winter Workshops
Short description

NIAS- EGT conducts frequent summer/winter workshops for the children in the NIAS Education for the Gifted & Talented programme Pool. The workshops provide the children an opportunity to engage in active learning.

Programme Name