Literature as Pedagogy-Insights from Indian Aesthetics

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Nature of the Event
NIAS CSP Friday Online Lectures
Dr. Shankar Rajaraman
Postdoctoral Scholar, NIAS, Bangalore.
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Event date
18 December 2020
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According to Indian (predominantly Sanskrit) aestheticians, the twofold aim of all literature is to provide an experience of aesthetic bliss (rasa) and impart knowledge (vyutpatti). However, it is the former that has received greater scholarly attention than the latter. The educational aspect of literature has been relegated to a secondary position, sometimes with disdain, even by traditional scholars. In this talk,

I shall explore the following questions:
1. What do we learn from literature?
2. How do we learn what we learn from literature?
3. What is the relationship between the recreational and educational facets of

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