Kalaripayatuu - Its Meaning, Importance and Contemporaneity

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Nature of the Event
NIAS CSP Friday Online Lectures
Guru Ranjan Mullaratt
Kalaripayattu Master and Head, Kalari Gurukulam, Bengaluru
Organised by
Event date
28 August 2020
Other details

Kalaripayattu is a traditional martial artform practiced extensively in Kerala. This talk will trace the origin of Kalaripayattu and it's different stages of evolution. It will focus on Kalaripayattu, it's meaning and various styles of performance. It will touch upon the cultural and heritage values of this tradition and its influence in other art forms. The preparation of body and mind for kalari, the importance of postures in this form, the construction, decor and costumes of kalari, will all be discussed. Kalaripayattu as it is practiced to day, and how it can be perceived as an art as well as a life style will be pointed out. This will be followed by a short live performance Kalaripayattu.

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