Phenomenology of Body

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Nature of the Event
NIAS CSP Friday Online Lectures
Dr. Saurabh Todariya
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru
Organised by
Event date
7 August 2020
Other details

COVID 19 has resulted in the constraining of bodily freedom as the 'new normal' demands that we should restrict our bodily movements in public spaces. This has also resulted in the impoverishment of the subjective life as phenomenology defines the subjectivity in terms of 'lived experience'. According to phenomenology, the body is not something which is added on the experience; rather it is the very condition of the experience. The body gives us perspective on the world and we interpret the world in terms of the embodied possibilities. The talk will discuss the phenomenological notion of embodiment which defines the body in terms of the possibility to act freely in the world. It will also try to highlight the paradox in COVID 19 times where the embodiment of one experience both as a possibility as well as the impossibility to reach out.

Event Programme