Other Research Activities

The team made significant contributions at all levels of education. In particular, the work on school quality, education of the disadvantaged, education of the gifted and women in the STEM disciplines has been recognised nationally and internationally. The contributions in teacher education and advocacy have gained collaborators in various institutions and organisations across the country.  

The highlight of was two students successfully defending their PhD dissertations. Ms Savitha Suresh Babu and Ms Anupama Mahajan received their degrees.   

At present nine doctoral students are in the programme. Three of them are writing their chapter drafts (Ms Cheshta Arora, Ms Shaima Amatullah, Mr Subroto Dey); two students are doing field research- Ms Sabna ES and Ms Megha Punia, and four students are developing their proposals and getting formally registered (Ms Shruti Shankar, Ms Souri Majumder, Mr Varun Sudhakaran and Mr Shashank SR).