Shashi Deshpande The globalization of literature Lectures, 2001, (NIAS Lecture No. L3-2001) |
Mohammad Bagheri The influence of Indian mathematics and astronomy in Iran Lectures, 2001, (NIAS Lecture No. L2-2001) |
T N Madan Religion in the modern world Lectures, 2001, (NIAS Lecture No. L2-2001) |
Dhruv Raina Vivesharaya as Engineer-Sociologist and the evolution of his techno-economic vision Lectures, 2001, (NIAS Lecture No. L1-2001) |
Arvind Kumar Draft Indian Nuclear Doctrine |
Ashley Tellis Pivot or Pirouette: The U.S. Rebalance to Asia |
Anitha Kurup Professor and Head, Education Programme Village, Caste and Education Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2000 |
A R Vasavi Agrarian distress in Bidar Reports, 1999, (NIAS Report No: R5-1999) |