Latest Publications

The Significance of Ancient Water Systems and the Sacred Groves in the Landscape of Badami, Karnataka: A Geospatial Study

This chapter discusses the modifications carried out in the landscape of Badami in Karnataka to harvest water for the settlement since its establishment as an Early Chalukyan capital in the seventh century. The chapter also highlights the significance of sacred groves in the historic landscape of Badami. The remnants of fortified walls, temples, water features, and sacred grooves testify to the ingenious engineering systems that existed in the past.

The Rurban elephant: Behavioural ecology of Asian elephants in response to large-scale landuse change in a human-dominated landscape in peri-urban southern India

In this chapter, we assess the impacts of such transformations on the lives of India’s largest land mammal, the Asian elephant and discuss the adaptations displayed by this species to human-induced change, with a particular focus on how the successful exploitation of rurban agricultural resources has allowed for the appearance of spatially and temporally flexible behavioural innovations that, in turn, have impacted the life-history strategies of a threatened elephant population in a peri-urban region of southern India

Quantification of green-blue ratios, impervious surface area and pace of urbanisation for sustainable management of urban lake - land zones in India -a case study from Bengaluru city

The study describes the creation of four simple metrics to estimate: 1. the ratio of ‘green’ vegetated areas to the ‘blue’ water spread areas, defined as the ‘Green-blue ratio’ (GBA); 2. The ratio of ‘blue’ water spread areas to ‘built-up’ ratio around the lakes, defined as the ‘Blue to Built-up ratio’ (BBA), 3. the percentage of impervious surface area (ISA) and 4. the pace of urbanisation in the dynamic zones (DZ) of urban lake environments.