International Strategic and Security Studies

Programme About

The International Strategic and Security Studies address the science and technology perspective influencing political, economic, and security developments in the neighborhood of India and the world and provide policy inputs on theses aspects. 

The primary objective of the Programme is to study the Technological, Security, Military, Political, Economic, and developments in India’s immediate and extended neighborhood and the world in general. This, in turn, involves examining prospects and the policy challenges, studying the impact of technology on security, and providing policy in- puts on relevant issues through research, discussion meetings, workshops, and conferences. Research proposals on these lines were generated after gauging the interest of likely sponsors. Studies have been mainly sponsored by the defence and security agencies in the country. In addition, the members of the Programme have taken up research in their own areas of interest and domain expertise. 

Programme Head
Srikumar Pullat
Visiting Professor and Head
School: School of Conflict and Security Studies
Programme: International Strategic and Security Studies
Room no: No.F-23, 1st Floor, Faculty Block
Assistant Professor
Aparupa Bhattacharjee
Doctoral Student
Arun Vishwanathan
Assistant Professor
B R Guruprasad
Adjunct Faculty
Visiting Professor
080 2218 5089
Associate Professor
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Assistant Professor
Honorary Visiting Professor
JRD Tata Chair Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
V Siddhartha
Adjunct Faculty
Advanced Weapons and Deterrence Strategies

A focused study on Advanced Weapon Systems examined international development trends and status and used the information to formulate indigenous development strategies. The advanced weapon systems examined were Aerial weapons, Space weapons, Underwater weapons, Directed Energy weapons, and Fifth Generation Aircraft. The architecture of China's Anti Access / Area Denial (A2AD) military strategy directed against the US in the Indo- Pacific region was evaluated. The critical role of its missile, space, and naval forces has given China's geographic and historical setting are specially addressed through several US- China confrontation scenarios. The study analyzed the role of the newly formed Strategic Support Force combining the Space, Cyber, and electronic warfare in its fold. 

Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Study

These Chinese space capabilities and identified their constellation of intelligence and earth observation satellites and linked them to the identification and location of US mobile maritime platforms were examined. Further integration with their land-based tracking assets and ballistic missile DF- 21D demonstrated the technical feasibility of targeting specific aircraft carriers in the fleet. 

Missile Database 
A comprehensive missile database of Chinese, Pakistani, Iranian, and North Korean missiles has been created. The capability of North Korean missiles to reach the US mainland could be established. The study was also extended to understand the North Korean satellite launch capability. 

Software tools, QuoVadis found to be very useful for generating ballistic missile trajectory and providing a fan of target destinations when launched from a set of coordinates. The other tool named Veni Vidi Vici can propagate satellite orbits and is useful for determining target visibility/ blind periods for a constellation of satellites.

Space, Security, and Policy
In the emerging situation of the Space Environment, where the congested and contested space can lead to potential conflicts, the Space Situational Awareness Requirements of countries need to be captured. The use of space in current warfare; noting that space assets play a vital role in the formulation and implementation of power strategies across the globe, the current and future Indian space assets, their capability, and capacity in comparison with international scenario was undertaken. The study report “Space, War & Security – A Strategy for India” was widely discussed and appreciated in the national forums. China Science Publishing and Media Ltd, Beijing, has brought out a Chinese translation of the document. 

Identifying Uranium Mills using Satellite Imagery
This is another milestone event and the first of its kind to identify Uranium mills from space. Unique parameters which help in differentiate Uranium mills from copper mines are highlighted.

Borderland and Strategic Challenges
Borderland and Strategic Challenges of the border people in Tawang borderland in Arunachal Pradesh examined historical and ethno-political background of local Monpas and Tawang besides detailed assessment of the infrastructure developments – current status and perceived needs, internal and external dynamics of Tawang Monpas.  

Myanmar Studies 
This comprehensive study examined, Myanmar’s history, geography, borders, distribution of the major and other ethnic tribes, natural resources, Myanmar in the post-election era, Myanmar's aspirations, their military and security dependency, Chinese footprints, trade, and other issues. It was recommended that New Delhi needed to cultivate local constituencies through collaborations in the areas such as building up educational institutes, enhancing cultural ties, especially the Buddhist linkages, and initiating affordable health care services.

Maritime Studies
The study investigated the changes that have taken place in the Makran coast after 2013. Satellite imagery combined with GIS software tools were used in the analysis to track the construction activities and progress in the development of the facility on the Makran coast, especially after the Chinese involvement in the development work through the China- Pakistan Economic Cooperation (CPEC) framework. 

Pakistan’s S&T Capabilities
A series of reports on Pakistan’s nuclear and missile programmes have been published. A comprehensive database on Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities has been developed. As a continuation of this, a research at Pakistan’s Space Programme and other S&T Programmes have been undertaken. 

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V Siddhartha
Past Events
The Indian Neighbourhood K Subrahmanyam Memorial lecture
India and the Neighbourhood
Prof SD Muni, Professor Emeritus, JNU, New Delhi
International Strategic and Security Studies Programme
Lecture Hall, 1530-1730 hrs
7 January 2022
The Indian Neighbourhood in 2022 NIAS Strategic Forecasts
The Indian Neighbourhood in 2022
Dr N Manoharan, Dr TC Karthikeyan, Dr Bibhu Prasad Routray, Prof Sanjay Bhardwaj, Dr Anshuman Behera, and Prof D Suba Chandran
International Strategic and Security Studies Programme
Conference Room, 0930-1530 hrs
7 January 2022
Technologies used during Low Intensity Conflicts
SS Sundaram
ISSSP Lecture Series on International Security
May 29, 2021

The programme has been conducting regular Track -II dialogues with the Committee on International Security and Arms Control (CISAC) of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS), on issues related to nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear safety, Disarmament, Space security, Terrorism, Strategic security threats and related topics. Considering the constraints imposed by the pandemic situation; a quarterly virtual dialogue was initiated in 2020. Topics like “Himalayan situation and South China Sea, “Nuclear Safety and Security During Prolonged Pandemic Conditions,” “Climate Change, Natural Disasters, and International Security” and “Hypersonic Systems - Potential and Security Challenges” have been covered. Eminent experts from India and USA participated in the dialogues.  

The programme also coordinates the K Subrahmanyam memorial lectures at the Institute. Some of the recent lectures were delivered by Amb TCA Raghavan, Amb K Jaishankar, Prof C Rajamohan, Amb Arundhati Ghosh, and Mr. Jaswant Singh. 

Recently, the Programme has started a new initiative - ISSSP Lecture Series on International Security; some of the speakers who delivered lectures in this series include: "9/11 and the Afghanistan fiasco" by Prof Amin Saikal; "Cyber and International Security" by Dr Gulshan Rai; "Iran and Regional Security" by Amb Sanjay Singh; "Technologies used during Low-Intensity Conflicts" by Dr SS Sundaran; "China and International Security: Beijing's Strategies and Global Responses" by Prof Srikanth Kondapalli; "Europe and International Security: Issues, Challenges and Options" by Prof Ummu Salma Bava; "Security Paradigms in a Polarized World" by Amb PS Raghavan.  

Some of the webinars organized by the Pro-gramme included Impact of Covid-19 on FDI regime – Japanese Investments in India; Civil operations of Drones in India’s National Air Space; Re- visiting Indo-Pacific under a pandemic; Satellite Image Interpretation – An Overview; and Doklam to Galwan: Is it a new normal?

The Programme also publishes a daily Evening Brief on Pakistan.