Past Events

event poster NIAS CSP Reading Glass
Consciousness and Causality: Perspectives from integrated information theory, phenomenology, and Kashmir Shaivism
Dr Shankar Rajaraman, Dr Nithin Nagraj, and Dr Saurabh Todariya, Consciousness Studies Programme, School of Humanities
Consciousness Studies Programme
25 October 2019
IBS-NIAS CSP Interactive Brainstorming Sessions
Phenomenological Approach of Qualitative Research
Prof Koshy Tharakan
Consciousness Studies Programme
22 October 2019
Event Poster NIAS CSP Reading Glass
Self, Identity, and Healing Practices
Sangeetha Menon, Meera Kumar Menon, Sangeetha G, Consciousness Studies Programme, School of Humanities
Consciousness Studies Programme
27 September 2019
SRB-NIAS CSP Svasthya Rasa Bodhini
Between Dionysus and Plato: Is there an aesthetic thinking in ancient Greece?
Dr Soumyabrata Choudhury, Professor, School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU
Consciousness Studies Programme
Lecture Hall, NIAS
18 September 2019
IBS-NIAS CSP Interactive Brainstorming Sessions
The Question of Philosophy, Art and Mathematics in Relation to Models of Formal Thinking
Dr Soumyabrata Choudhury
Consciousness Studies Programme
Conference Hall 2, NIAS
18 September 2019
event poster NIAS CSP Reading Glass
Turing Test: An imitation game to determine machine intelligence
Harikrishnan N D, Doctoral Scholar , Consciousness Studies Programme, School of Humanities
Consciousness Studies Programme
16 August 2019