The Rurban elephant: Behavioural ecology of Asian elephants in response to large-scale landuse change in a human-dominated landscape in peri-urban southern India

Publication Details
New Forms of Urban Agriculture: An Urban Ecology Perspective (Eds. Diehl J A and Kaur H). Springer Nature, Singapore, March 2022 pp. 289-310
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In this chapter, we assess the impacts of such transformations on the lives of India’s largest land mammal, the Asian elephant and discuss the adaptations displayed by this species to human-induced change, with a particular focus on how the successful exploitation of rurban agricultural resources has allowed for the appearance of spatially and temporally flexible behavioural innovations that, in turn, have impacted the life-history strategies of a threatened elephant population in a peri-urban region of southern India

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Anindya Sinha
Author of the Publication
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