Doctoral Students

Sayan Banerjee

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Sayan Banerjee
Doctoral Student

Sayan is a PhD scholar interested in the aspects of human-wildlife relations; interdisciplinary dimensions of wildlife conservation in India; gender, environment and development; political ecologies of rural livelihood and environmental conservation, and environment and development in northeast India. For PhD, Sayan is examining behavioural and political ecologies of human-wild elephant interactions in the state of Assam, India with a critical focus on gendered interactions, impacts, adaptations and knowledge formations.

Other than PhD work, Sayan had looked into nature of community participation in wildlife conservation projects in the states of Assam, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, India (2017-18); traditional hunting practices, bushmeat consumption patterns and cross-border wildlife trade in Nagaland, India (2016); impacts on local community due to degradation of a critical urban wetland in Kolkata, India (2019-20).

In 2021, Sayan has published two co-authored peer reviewed journal articles and one book chapter in an edited volume. The journal articles are titled : (1) On the inadequacy of environment impact assessments for projects in Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park of Goa: A peer review (Journal of Threatened Taxa), (2). ‘Everyday- Conservation’: A study of actors and processes in an elephant conservation project in Assam, India (Human Dimensions of Wildlife). The book chapter is titled as: Understanding borderlands through elephant corridors in the Yunan-Bengal-Burma Landscape (Routledge India)

Sayan has been awarded Junior Research Fellowship by University Grants Commission. For PhD fieldwork, Sayan has received grants from The Rufford Foundation, Inlaks Foundation and Idea Wild Foundation.

Prior to joining PhD, Sayan Completed B.E in Metallurgical and Material Engineering from Jadavpur University (Kolkata) and worked as Manager at Tata Steel Limited. With a shift in career, Sayan completed M.A in Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati.

Title of the thesis
Encountering More-than-Human Lifeworlds: Behavioural and Political Ecologies of Human–Elephant Relations in Northeast India
Doctoral and Other Programmes

Soumya Deep Das

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Soumya Deep Das
Doctoral Student
Title of the thesis
Way Forward for the Viability of Power Distribution Sector in India: A Case study in Karnataka
Doctoral and Other Programmes